
Jailbreaking Tools, iOS Firmwares, & Much More!

Jailbreak Tools




Mac OS X (10.7+)





iOS Firmwares

iOS 6

iPad 4 (wifi iPad3,4):
iPad 4 (GSM iPad3,5):
iPad 4 (CDMA iPad3,6):
iPad mini (wifi iPad2,5):
iPad mini (GSM iPad2,6):
iPad mini (CDMA iPad2,7):
iPad 3 (wifi iPad3,1):
iPad 3 (GSM iPad3,3):
iPad 3 (CDMA iPad3,2):
iPad 2 (new gen iPad2,4):
iPad 2 (iPad2,1):
iPad 2 (GSM iPad2,2):
iPad 2 (CDMA iPad2,3):
iPhone 5 (GSM iPhone5,1):
iPhone 5 (CDMA iPhone5,2):
iPhone 4S:
iPhone 4 (GSM iPhone3,1):
iPhone 4 (GSM iPhone3,2):
iPhone 4 (CDMA iPhone3,3):
iPhone 3GS:
iPod touch
iPod touch 5G (iPod5,1):
iPod touch 4G (iPod4,1):
Apple TV
Apple TV 3G (AppleTV3,2): 5.2
Apple TV 3G (AppleTV3,1): 5.25.1
Apple TV 2G (AppleTV2,1): 5.25.1

iOS 5 

iPad 3 (wifi):
iPad 3 (GSM):
iPad 3 (CDMA):
iPad 2:
iPad 2 (GSM):
iPad 2 (CDMA):
iPad 1:
iPhone 4S: (build 9A406)
iPhone 4 (GSM): 5.1.1 (build 9B208),
iPhone 4 (CDMA):
iPhone 3GS:,
iPhone 3G:,
iPhone 2G:,
iPod touch
iPod touch 4G:
iPod touch 3G:,
iPod touch 2G:
iPod touch:

Spire (Siri) Commands & Instructions:

Commands Download Link:
Download  Ubuntu on a vitual machine ( Parallels Desktop )
Install the latest Ubuntu updates
Set the Internet connection to bridged mode
Setup Dropbox on 4S
Enter these commands, line by line: **( )** are used to help you, don't include these unless they are in the actual comamnds!
Download  Ubuntu on a vitual machine ( Parallels Desktop )
Install the latest Ubuntu updates
Set the Internet connection to bridged mode
Setup Dropbox on 4S
Enter these commands, line by line: **( )** are used to help you, don't include these unless they are in the actual comamnds!

Download  Ubuntu on a vitual machine ( Parallels Desktop )
Install the latest Ubuntu updates
Set the Internet connection to bridged mode
Setup Dropbox on 4S
Enter these commands, line by line: **( )** are used to help you, don't include these unless they are in the actual comamnds!
  • Download  Ubuntu on a vitual machine ( Parallels Desktop )
  • Install the latest Ubuntu updates
  • Set the Internet connection to bridged mode
  • Setup Dropbox on 4S Enter these commands, line by line: **( )** are used to help you, don't include these unless they are in the actual commands!

 Command 01: 
sudo apt-get install dnsmasq ruby build-essential openssl libreadline6 libreadline6-dev curl git-core zlib1g zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-0 libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt-dev autoconf libc6-dev ncurses-dev automake libtool bison subversion     ** (Select ‘y’ to continue.) ***

Command 02: 
sudo nano /etc/dnsmasq.conf      
****( Find the following line on approximately line 62: #address=/
Directly beneath that line type: address=/'s_ip_address)
Replace (your_machine’s_ip_address) with the IP address of your machine as shown in the video.
Press control+o, and then return to save. Press control+x to exit back to main terminal prompt. ) **

Command 03: 
sudo /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart

Command 04: 
bash < <(curl -s

Command 05: 
[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"

Command 06: 
echo '[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # Load RVM function' >> ~/.bash_profile

Command 07: 
rvm install 1.9.3 *****(This command takes some time to execute. Be patient, especially on the compiling portion.)******

Command 08: 
rvm use 1.9.3 --default 

Command 09: 
git clone git://

Command 10: 
cd SiriProxy
**(Select 'y' to continue.)**

Command 11: 
rake install

Command 12: 
mkdir ~/.siriproxy

Command 13: 
cp ./config.example.yml ~/.siriproxy/config.yml

Command 14: 
siriproxy gencerts

Command 15: 
siriproxy bundle

Command 16: 
rvmsudo siriproxy server

Then, grab the certificate we generated in Command 14 on the iPhone 4S
View hidden files in order to see it!! Copy it over via dropbox to iPhone 4S
iPhone 4S's WiFi Settings - change DNS to match ip on comp!!
Test Siri - say "Test Siri Proxy"

On iPhone 4:

Install Spire from Cydia
Install iFile from Cydia
Install DropBox from the AppStore

Go to Settings > General > Siri and enable Siri.
Proxy Host:

 iFile - /etc/ - "hosts"  - iFile’s Text Viewer
create a new line : (ip address)
iFile navigate to var/mobile/Library/Preferences/ and open

Add: Ace Host
Assistant Identifier
Speech Identifier

Test Siri Proxy on iPhone 4
Remove the DNS server from your iPhone 4S, and put back original! 
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Commands from